Region: Central & South America
Confluencia de Mujeres
Confluencia de Mujeres is a group of women, urban, peasant, artists, artisans, athletes, poets, walkers, mothers, of diverse ages, ethnicities, sexualities and human rights defenders in seven territories of the country. They are committed to dispute and create conditions for the dignified life of women in Colombia, from public action, research and training.
Sursiendo is an organization in southern Mexico that contributes to the transformation of digital technologies into spaces for autonomy, where all types of people can enjoy their freedom and collective digital rights, supporting the creation of a world where development considers both the sociotechnical and naturalenvironments. Their thematicfocus are digital communality, collective digital care and…
Ciberfem Lab
Ciberfem Lab is a space in Guatemala to create, discover, expropriate, appropriate and share present and ancestral knowledges for autonomy and technological sovereignty.
Data Critica
Data Crítica is a collective that focuses on the appropriation and sharing of open source technologies and methodologies for empowering narratives and investigation with data analysis, data visualization, and artificial intelligence. They use these tools for researching and exposing the mechanisms of patriarchal and colonial systems of domination. They also work towards decolonizing and de-patriarchalizing…
Movilidades Libres y Elegidas CoLibres
CoLibres is a group of women in southern Mexico, organized to promote and create conditions for people living in vulnerablesituations for the full exercise of their rights, particularly women, youth and migrant and refugees. They work from gender, intercultural and human rights based approaches, focused oneducation and land rights to promote autonomy.
Mujeres Activistas por el Software Libre
Mujeres Activistas por el Software Libre are a Venezuelan organization founded in 2006 that seeks to feminize technologies with emphasis in generating safe spaces in open information technologies for women throughout the country.
Zineteca Luneta
Zineteca Luneta is a community based zine library in Brazil that operates in analog form bringing feminist content and zine creation workshops to rural areas, in digital form as a platform built to expand the feminist information exchange between communities of the global South.
R.A.M Redes Autónomas de Memoria
R.A.M is a laboratory of artistic practices created to equip themselves with cyber-transhackfeminist self-defense strategies to confront gender violence through collective care, healing, art, sound and visual experimentation.
Navegando Libres por la Red
Navegando Libres Por La Red in Ecuador works for making visible, accompany and mitigate gender violence that occurs in the digital environment.
AzMina is a non-profit feminist organization that uses technology, data and communication to promote gender equity. They seek to reduce violence against women through the use of technology created by and for women.
ONG Amaranta
ONG Amaranta is a feminist organisation, founded in Concepción, Chile, that seeks to prevent and eradicate gender violence through education and activism. They have an intersectional approach and work in different areas: art and culture, technology, human rights, labor, children and youth. They conduct workshops, create educational materials for free circulation, do research and also…